Saturday, January 21, 2012

Being lied too..

I don't know about you but I hate liars, especially in relationships.. I really despise that shit. Like, what the fuck you lying for? A relationship is a bond for a reason there should definitely be trust involved within that bond but if you gonna go off lying about big or small shit there really ain't a bond, is there?it really makes no sense to bate me with all this crap about how much you love me and you can't be without me yada yada yada and then lie.....yeah makes no sense too me but maybe too you it does. I'm learning that you and whoever your with can share a bond but nine times out of ten y'all won't share expectations, while I expect someone not to lie too me for any reason, the female would expect to get all sides of me, none of those things have ever happened for me, guess I have to live with that fact that you did me wrong forever....

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