Monday, July 30, 2012

Favorite Girl

Favorite Girl.. your the only one I notice, no matter how 40 (20/20) my vision is.. as I plant your body against our door like a notice for our crib, let my love shine down on you baby like the sun seeping deep through a glasshouse deep into your ribs.. Deeper than the dimples you show when I favorite your subtweets.. And you asked if I'd ever pimp you out and I assured you that the only corner you'd be working on is gripping the edge of my bedsheets, and you call me your effort beast cause progressively I dig into your pages effortlessly but this book I'm craving only helps my stroke be patient with me, that's what you told me since it's such a virtue and I understood cause I can be kind of sporadic so I slowed up and your passion showed up, I wanna see if I could love you enough to where we could sweat weaves, and no matter how mad it made you I could call you exotic and you'd never leave.. Favorite Girl.. Believe me just like soccer goals scored the time I kick with you ain't for leisure, ma it's a sport to me to please ya and tease ya... with foreign oils made in distant lands, and your distant cousins wanna meet me and invite a nigga within the family but why can't we worry about trying make a family of our own, we grown, we take the shoving and cussing, and turn it into passionate loving, so why give a sneak peek to others, while in this bed room it's dark and we aren't clothed with nothing.. sultry within your love is and I take it all and let it drip and catch it 'fore it reaches the floor since I know your taste, these moments where it seems like heaven came down into our mattress just for the position we put in place.. and if I'm wasting breath breathing on you then oxygen means less to me than fucking all night making things right that were never even wrong, cause if they were we'd raise passionate hell flames engulfing our bedroom in waves riding on our headboard cause it's the only piece not burned along.. burn down my home as long as you down with me, and I can take you down with me..

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

.live si evoL

Because of you I feel love isn't worth it, because of you in my head love is person, that I neglect even though she maybe perfect cause when I cry for help no one hears me so love ain't worth it, my heart is torn enough pages wrinkled up so trying to reach me is like being forever blind, we love blind and without thinking no wonder hearts get broke cause we pay them no mind, I keep my emotions inside my ribs in hope that they'll never break through, and my dreams seem to paint a picture I'd just always look through, no hope in my eyes no truth in your words all lies you spew, these letters I write seem to always be about you no exceptions, but you never believe we'd never conceive even if I stopped believe in protection, batteries couldn't make my heart work again neither would it energize the bunny that's suppose to beat for me, inside I feel nothing and yet outside you can tell I just see what it looks like for a girl to really be in love with me, how can't I feel kisses even though I haven't gotta my mouth numb by dentist's in months? she tries to make me love her beating into my heart but it's so tough, so just to ease her pain I fade away, into the lonely abyss I've made a home plenty days, and I struggle with my decision to stay away, but the love I have for you but don't show you is as great as blades, and right now I couldn't connect with you like crates, my mind must be your home cause you knock and I act like I'm not there, you catch me peaking through the window I crouch down and turn around then infront of me you appear, this the only way I know how to stop the headaches and clear my soul, I hope one day when I'm ready for love you'll be there with my favorite soup and a bowl, but till then I'll keep writing knowing I'll never reach you, knowing I'm a class that now I couldn't teach you, my mom always told me I should've never chose you I should've never made you the only one and that I should never just have one, and I wish I listened cause everytime I seem to narrow things down the wider the tear in my heart becomes, love for me is like jungle fever something I know I could but probably shouldn't, and if I would I'd love her but she'd act like she couldn't, pain breathing inside and I write it down, heart beating in my chest but it feels outta town, and I wanna let it all go but I don't know how, my finger are taped to you still after broken vows....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

love ain't real.

Re-jointed broken bones couldn't piece together what we tore apart, from the start I thought you was the one and I couldn't believe we would ever stop, the pain I felt after that passion we shared showed we should've never started, since pleasure is pain I raise your high heels towards my chest and let them pierce through my heart, the more I stroke the farther you dig in me, fuck it though cause you never was only digging me, love has fucked me while it was fucking another, love has cheated on me in front of me cause I didn't wanna smother, love has cried out that it missed me when it was with the next nigga, pretty much I'm everyone's ex nigga, while you was fucking me you thought of him no wonder all you do is moan so you don't speak his name instead of saying "daddy", crying on the phone saying you don't wanna be alone and that you don't wanna lose me but why would you abuse me? how hard for you will it be to erase me cause all we do is space this, I'm so cold too me all chicks do is lie why cry on my phone knowing you don't truly care, if you cheat then how much feeling does saying "I love you" really bare? it felt like I impregnated you and you ran into a wall purposely too lose it, premeditated murder how you took my heart and straight abused it, I never would've thought love could do this too me, leave me in a puddle of tears that I didn't cry but ones that were somehow used too me, mucky water made of your excuses and your temptation, im stuck riding waves from your deceitful stimulation, simulation of love we played..

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


I can still remember the first time I saw you.
Freshman, laying eyes on my Mona Lisa.
First loves always end up making you search for a second.
And I needed way more than a second to understand what I got from you.
What is this love, Juanlisa?
I've dreamt of putting a ring on you.
I've dreamt of you bearing my children.
But your dark love was bearing on my heart heavily.
Breaking me down, breaking me down until I crumbled.
The whistle within the wind against the trees told me I shouldn't love you.
But I'm not much of a nature lover.
I've been bandaging the bruise you placed on me for five years now..
The first person to ever make me be someone I wasn't.
Your the reason I'm so stubborn.
No matter how hard I tried your shoes stayed tied we never was bare skin with each other.
Word got to me that you let another man taste the affection you kept from me.
And I still stayed, But I found revenge within another female.
Even now you still haunt me cause a girl wanting my heart doesn't seem too spark me.
Since I wanted you to forever be the driving force to my heartbeats.
Lost love and forgot it's meaning after you.
Still trying to silence those screams I yelled at you, begging you.
My Mona Lisa came with a stained frame.
My Mona Lisa had a cold grin.
My Mona Lisa was painted all gray.
When I feel like this my favorite colors gray, and your in my daydream for days.
Even though I'm passionate on the inside my exterior is stone.
And you made me feel like rain drops, racing from a storm.
I gotta learn how too love again because of you.
But I don't think I'll truly love again because of you.