Sunday, April 29, 2012


Grew up thinking you was a myth until my uncle's told me about you, now I'm stuck with you. I'm stuck trying to get inside of you, learn your in's and outs as if I already knew your whereabouts. See my uncle always said, "be careful who you love, always trust the man above and remember you ain't shit without him." Yet I stay telling females I love them searching for that one that'll leave me and realize, "he ain't shit, fuck him." This the second time heaven came my way, this time in a different form and I don't know what to say, think or do; reasons why I stare at you, like I do. Reason I grip your hand like I do or kiss your lips like I do is cause of you, heaven. You show me another side I've never seen before, I walked into that white light comfortably what a comfort I see looking into those eyes, I adore. I pray that I'll see you, but that I won't ever have to meet you again. I pray you'll stay, even though I'm not ready to commit because I've sinned. I pray we'll stay blissful without each others touch throughout a day, hoping that when I show up you'll be there telling me you still here for me and you'll never leave my side, you ride. You comfortably sit on this pedestal that I place you on in my mind and over time like fine wine we'll age and yet still be young within love we've bundled together. I've never been the type to persevere but with you I'm waiting to leap over pain I've felt so don't jump to conclusions of me breaking your heart and not wanting to be more then we are. Just know loves in the air and as long as we keep you here so don't bump me too the side knowing your wanting to be with a star. I said I  love you for the last time, then I died..

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