Friday, April 13, 2012

Pictures Of Us.

I sit alone in this room, staring at this Stupid Ass Picture. Yes, I personified the portrait cause it's a photo of us, and what we could've been. And every step I take the eyes of us as loved ones follow me. See that's why I've become so agile because I hate to stop an think of what we should've been so I continue to move, so that contact within eyes would never be made.. Somedays I wake and wish we never made that bond, that so called love that we were so stuck in that we couldn't ever visualize the world in front of us, all we saw was each other. Lost in your eyes and you into mines we went off into this bottomless pit we call earth blindfolded thinking what we had would last until God called us home.. But I know you see me now stuck in this hell hole all alone wondering if I'll ever be able to look you in your eyes for more than five seconds ever again. Let alone touch you, then I'd feel the skin that I've set ablaze with passion and lord knows what feelings that would create. The only grudges I hold on too are within the reflection from the glass in front of us, how perfect we look inside this picture.. How filled my life would be with you still and yet, I'm falling down, yet again.... Why do we choose to love when eventually the pain is everlasting and more felt than the supposed love we feel? I'm lost in my thoughts of wishing I could be found once again within the picture, but I'm lost in a cage of sorrows and regret that I'll never be able to climb out of. Lost in these four walls that I'll never be able to claw my way out of.. My heart turns colder and darker within my intentions, numbing myself is what intend on doing to stay away from ever feeling the way I feel within this picture, it'll never last, I know it won't.. I wish I could ignite this room so we could finally be pieced together, forever...


  1. Just wanted to let you know this is incredible & I can ridiculously relate 100%. You're an amazing writer.
