Friday, August 15, 2014


Huey said peace is the only way to stop a nigga moment 
But for once this ain't black on black
All we wanna do is get served with protection
Why you feel like you have to armor yourself against me?
Huh mister policeman? 
Don't call for no backup when I got my back up to the sky and my hand up high
"Don't Shoot!"
Don't gun me down when I'm turned around and I'm asking why? 
"Don't Shoot!" 
My soul hurts today 
I feel like they don't want us to pray
I feel like they want us to stay
I feel like they want us to give up and stay up and fear up but never bless up
God why don't you bless us?
Why don't you bless us?
They have guns and all we have is cameras
Reporters have cameras 
And now the officers saying 
"Don't Shoot!" 
Well how cute you don't want to the people to be aware mister officer?
You don't want the people to see my lying here in my own blood?
Huh officer?
This shit making me wanna cry nigga
Why my niggas?
Why only my niggas?
Why only us nigga? 
Huh nigga?
Abe Lincoln ain't free us
We ain't never been free
Cause it's 2014 and I still have this chain on me
Emancipation my ass
We ain't gonna ever be free...

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