Wednesday, March 20, 2013


So, I was listening to Macadelic at 3AM last night and this is what came out.

I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about fixing the puzzle I've found the answer to a million times. falling around between these clouds looking for love in the valleys and hills. twirling around in a rabbit hole. I was on the way to meet up with love until I made a wrong turn and merged into the road of pitfalls. like a glow in the sunshine. feel like I'll forever dream awake of the love I'm chasing. close your my eyes and watch you salsa somehow. I'm looking at shit different as a man in this position the mission is to turn you over into submission. you have the world and I'm just trying to gravitate with your space. fell asleep with you by my side and woke up unclothed in a trance. this dream will never stop but I'll never fight it. maybe I don't deserve to be fully happy. tease me with the embrace of you bliss with a peck on the lips. I'll focus and stare trying to range my jealousy and you'll never get rid of me but I'll never get into you so what the fuck I'm I here to do? why the fuck do you need me near if I can't be right there. beside you. inside you. I find to really be happy I'll need everything I want in my mind but I keep my thoughts away from myself so how would you know that I'm unlucky? drugs help me music loves me. I hope the sun stays away cause the darkness calms me. you only appear at 3am when it's as dark as can be and I can hardly keep my eyes open. I wish I could at least learn your temperature so I could brag about your insides to my buddies stupidly. trapped inside my love for more than weeks of lust then months of empty nothing's. life's violin strung out for me. the pain overwhelms me but the weed puts my eyes above me and it all makes sense. lets propose a toast to whatever this is. whatever this can become. no matter how fucked we are. personally I'm not shit and you make it certain i don't feel otherwise when you don't remember me. don't remember the times I spent over trying to reach you even though you live in a aquatic museum and I can't swim. sometimes I wonder why the fuck I try. wonder if I ever made you fucking cry and hope I did because that would be the only emotion i know i cause ever made from your fucking eyes. looking in the mirror and I'm a mess worst than your smeared mascara. need a buzz just to picture love. I'm stuck in genesis contemplating genocide. at the bottom neglecting my light bill waiting for sunset. kind of good you can't speak to me cause you'd fill me false hopes of you being perfect and then you'd pull this shit. knowing my infatuation within you got me gravitating to your Milky Way and you're all out of bowls. nothing but misery I taste you make me disconnect from space and this blunt keep me a float. why are you so numb?

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