Friday, May 11, 2012


Ever fell out of love, like it was lost love? If you tell me yes then I'd tell you you never loved at all cause to me love is just a figure of the imagination, see we all can have our own interpretations; Joe Blow might fall in love due to penetration, and while he's between your thighs your telling him you love him primarily through the sensation, you feel.. How is it that we can hold hands and still feel apart? A part of us is missing the part we need to park our feelings besides each others and ride besides, you've always "loved" me right? Nevertheless the contest we build up with our minds is so chess while we checker and lose everytime.. The moments when you can call crying and I can console you without making you believe what I told you is a myth are what our relationship used to be about, I think about you now and wonder how you feel about trying to adjust what our relationships supposed to be about. Learning experiences from lost "love" hurt the most due to the "love" we felt, feelings subside as the pain rises over our relationship and takes over what's suppose to be happiness. It's been way to long since we've rekindled that flame we've felt all before and just lost all of a sudden. It's funny how we can feel so much love from the beginning and never benefit from the beginning in the end how abrupt an end can occur all of a sudden.. How is it that you could be scratching my back as I grab the arch on you then our whole time together can curve into being apart from you? Maybe where numb as people to the fact that perfection is blindly acquired while things are beginning, while in the end we tend to wonder on answers to grasp an acceptance to the fact that it's all over.. we begin to question whether or not the end was what we both agreed it really is or if feelings got us misinterpreting our reasons on ending, just make sure you end on a note where beginning won't be an issue if ever thought about, again..

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