Sunday, April 29, 2012


Grew up thinking you was a myth until my uncle's told me about you, now I'm stuck with you. I'm stuck trying to get inside of you, learn your in's and outs as if I already knew your whereabouts. See my uncle always said, "be careful who you love, always trust the man above and remember you ain't shit without him." Yet I stay telling females I love them searching for that one that'll leave me and realize, "he ain't shit, fuck him." This the second time heaven came my way, this time in a different form and I don't know what to say, think or do; reasons why I stare at you, like I do. Reason I grip your hand like I do or kiss your lips like I do is cause of you, heaven. You show me another side I've never seen before, I walked into that white light comfortably what a comfort I see looking into those eyes, I adore. I pray that I'll see you, but that I won't ever have to meet you again. I pray you'll stay, even though I'm not ready to commit because I've sinned. I pray we'll stay blissful without each others touch throughout a day, hoping that when I show up you'll be there telling me you still here for me and you'll never leave my side, you ride. You comfortably sit on this pedestal that I place you on in my mind and over time like fine wine we'll age and yet still be young within love we've bundled together. I've never been the type to persevere but with you I'm waiting to leap over pain I've felt so don't jump to conclusions of me breaking your heart and not wanting to be more then we are. Just know loves in the air and as long as we keep you here so don't bump me too the side knowing your wanting to be with a star. I said I  love you for the last time, then I died..

Monday, April 23, 2012


I was daydreaming about fucking you.. so I wrote and this came out. Hope you love it.


As I dive into your figure I realize your eyes resemble the stars, hearing your moans and reaching across your arch, I pause..just looking at you gasping from all the sucking and finger fucking I do to you, the best I could've ever done but I feel like I ain't done.. see my love is like I gun that I hope jams, I remember you going to a bar that same day, jamming to some old Sade when I first saw you, now look at the mess I put inside of you.. what I love about you? You let me hear how passionate I'm fucking you.. no pillows, you never bite you hand you just scream.. you don't scratch my back, you claw it.. and I don't just fuck that ass, I ram it.. your moans write this song I could use a guitar for, laying between your breasts hearing your heart beat, that's what I learned to play the guitar for. And when you coming you do tell me to get off of you, you widen your body so I can fit more in you, I love that shit. Lord knows I do.. you smile and you cringe, you shake and you run from me.. I hold you with all my might, making sure you don't fuck none like me.. making sure our passion ain't something regular, making sure when we done thoughts in your mind don't register.. see things don't seem right to you cause you never thought you could fuck and still feel love.. you never thought you'd ever make love, see you thought all the guys you give it up to just wanted you for your ass and tits but its my emotional attachments that make me stay..inside of you. So as I strum this guitar and you dive into your school work don't worry about us cause our love will never fade, our love will never bend, our love will never break.. as long as my loves inside of you another man wont make you shake.. nah.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Pictures Of Us?

Hey, if your reading this you probably cared enough to wonder about my mind a little bit, so thanks.. About Pictures Of Us? It's a poem I wrote dealing with my issues.. If you don't get it, then... idk. I guess you just don't, even I don't understand myself.

Pictures Of Us.

I sit alone in this room, staring at this Stupid Ass Picture. Yes, I personified the portrait cause it's a photo of us, and what we could've been. And every step I take the eyes of us as loved ones follow me. See that's why I've become so agile because I hate to stop an think of what we should've been so I continue to move, so that contact within eyes would never be made.. Somedays I wake and wish we never made that bond, that so called love that we were so stuck in that we couldn't ever visualize the world in front of us, all we saw was each other. Lost in your eyes and you into mines we went off into this bottomless pit we call earth blindfolded thinking what we had would last until God called us home.. But I know you see me now stuck in this hell hole all alone wondering if I'll ever be able to look you in your eyes for more than five seconds ever again. Let alone touch you, then I'd feel the skin that I've set ablaze with passion and lord knows what feelings that would create. The only grudges I hold on too are within the reflection from the glass in front of us, how perfect we look inside this picture.. How filled my life would be with you still and yet, I'm falling down, yet again.... Why do we choose to love when eventually the pain is everlasting and more felt than the supposed love we feel? I'm lost in my thoughts of wishing I could be found once again within the picture, but I'm lost in a cage of sorrows and regret that I'll never be able to climb out of. Lost in these four walls that I'll never be able to claw my way out of.. My heart turns colder and darker within my intentions, numbing myself is what intend on doing to stay away from ever feeling the way I feel within this picture, it'll never last, I know it won't.. I wish I could ignite this room so we could finally be pieced together, forever...